Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mazal Tovs All Around!

First of all, a very big mazal tov to Chana at The Curious Jew on her engagement!!!

Also, mazal tov to the Maccabeats for their appearance on JM in the AM this morning! Check out the April 27th, 2010 recording (around 1:45 in - but be warned that there are some musical songs played at other points in the broadcast). Great job on the broadcast guys!

And lastly, a slightly belated mazal tov to a very good friend and former roommate of mine on his engagement! I missed his party due to a pre-scheduled date, and only found out about it a few hours beforehand via text. It's funny how vort announcements always happens that way. I wish people could give a little more notice... (It was worth it, for the record).


  1. "(It was worth it, for the record)"

    -Your friend getting engaged or missing the prty for a date?

  2. I really can't answer for my friend, but I certainly hope it was worth it - why else would he get engaged in the first place? I will say that I had a good date, though.


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