Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks' Shiurim Are Online!

I totally got it right: they waited until the week was over to post the recordings.

First, his fantastic acceptance speech for the Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm Prize - titled "The Synthesis of Torah and Chochma."

Next, to get you in the mood for Pesach: "A Seder Night That Changed History."

Enjoy listening to these wonderfully engaging, entertaining, and enlightening shiurim!

In addition, Happy Medium has been gracious enough to fill us in on the part of the recent Rabbi Sacks Shabbaton at Stern that I left out of my own summary (since I was focusing on the Chief specifically) - the Q & A session with Lady Elaine Sacks and Dr. Esther Joel. Make sure to check it out as well.


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