Tuesday, February 1, 2011

YU Connects Singles Shabbaton In Washington Heights

I don't often post Public Service Announcements - unless I feel the event/cause is very worthwhile and something to consider attending. In this case, I really hope people make an effort to be a part of what is going to be an amazing singles Shabbaton here on/near the YU campus (the wording is a little awkward, but it's not mine):

Come join the Yeshiva Community Shul and YU Connects for an inspiring and entertaining Shabbos!

Join Community families for dinner with other great singles, an Oneg and then a lunch with facilitators from the Community and Rabbanim, followed by the Motzei Shabbos Shenk Saturday Night Live Comedy Evening.

A great Shabbos, with great friends, and even better food!

WHEN: Shabbos Vayakhel 25th Feburary 22nd Adar I

WHO: Modern Orthodox Machmir Singles Aged between 21 and 31

HOW: Members $35 Non-Members $45 RSVP to ycsshidduch@gmail.com by February 15th Also: Shabbaton sign up form can be found here.

All profiles will be reviewed by Shadchanim Who will help you meet that someone special!

UPDATE (2/2/11) I've been told that women's spots are now full, but there are still room for guys to sign up.

As an incentive, I will announce that ASoG and I will be participating as meal hosts (and maybe connectors - we're working on getting approved by YU Connects).

No guarantees you'll spend Friday night dinner with us at Grey Castle, nor will I really discuss the blog at the table, but it's still kind of fun knowing I'll be around, right...? Or not :p

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